Victims of Victimization

There has been something that’s been lingering in the media and the hard discussions that we must start having as women.  This is about the topic of women's empowerment.  While we are empowering women, we must start talking about taking more responsibility as women and stop playing the victim.

I am not Mother Teresa and I am not the Dali Lama.  I’ve learned many lessons while on my journey, and there are many more ahead.  I will admit, at times, I have chosen to fall back on the victim stance myself, but it is now time to rise and realize that mindset must change!

There are real victims and millions of women who are abused every second around the world, but not all women are victims.  Some women do play the fake victim.  This is a subject matter that needs addressing, and we must start having these hard discussions and take action about it if we are going to seriously take leaps into making a change in our society to empower women.  I did some research about the cult of victimhood combined with a refusal to raise the question of female violence and abuse of power made it now possible and easy for a woman to turn a man’s life into a complete nightmare if only she wanted to.  From women being vindictive in the family court system, using children as weapons to get what she wants from a man, to women screaming sexual harassment or abuse to get attention or to gain profit from a man or in the office setting to retaliate for not getting that promotion she thought she was promised or deserved.  The motto: don’t get even get everything is another narrative we must change in our society.

With the “me too” movement, came the reality of the man-bashing and even many women playing the fake victim for profit, attention, and vindictive gain.  This is nothing new, but when have we ever truly had these conversations openly?

If “We” women want equality, then we must start acting less emotionally unstable and take responsibility for our actions, not play the “poor me I’m a woman and the man must take care of me” act.  We can no longer be vindictive when we do not get what we wanted out of a man. We need to start teaching, not only women but men and young men on how we want to be treated.  We must all start being examples of truth and integrity and treat everyone with respect.

Tearing down a man or anyone is not empowerment. There is NO bravery in destroying anyone, empowerment is rising to the occasion to be part of the solution!

It’s not only about women taking the responsibility for themselves and learning self-love the right way, not expect a man to complete them and men must empower themselves and not expect a woman to create their happiness or use women as a tool either.  I am a woman, and I believe fake women victims hurt our society more and set all of us back thousands of years.  We all know that hurt people hurt people.  There must be a responsibility to this because hurt people have a responsibility to create the change they want to see.  For men or women, when one hurts you, that is knowledge and with knowledge comes power and with power, you have the responsibility to be part of the solution to create change.

Women running around protesting with vaginas on their heads or showing off their boobs is not empowerment.  We can’t be doing this and expect to be taken seriously while we want to stop sexual abuse and human trafficking.  There is a way to be very dignified, make an intelligent powerful statement, take action to stand for justice, and still be a woman who can show civility.  There is a way to still be sexy and classy with integrity.

Empowerment includes the action of raising the status of women through education, raising awareness, literacy, and training. Women's empowerment is all about equipping and allowing women to make life-determining decisions through different problems in society.

We can all Find our YES by becoming empowered and building stronger brains, for our children, and healing our inner selves.  We can’t blame or point finger at anyone, we as women, as men, must start to heal within and become the examples to break this cycle of abuse and the victim mentality.

Marie Pizano
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Marie Pizano is the CEO/Founder of MVP3 Entertainment Group, Author, “From Barefoot To Stilettos” Catch the“Finding My Yes” channel and shows on the MVP3 Network IG: mariemvp