Know Your Worth

This mindset that in order to have worth—you must have thousands of likes on social media, you must have a plus one, be married, have some prestige title or job, must be seen with who everyone thinks is the who’s who and have all these people around you like an entourage and/or fan club.  If you just want space to be on your own, if you do not want to be married nor want to do, think or want what everyone else wants, then there is something wrong with you.

This has all been this type of disempowering programming that has brainwashed everyone to believe that they are not worthy. You’re an outcast and not enough because you are not part of these cliques, phonies, and spreading all the gossip baloney from the peanut gallery.

This type of programming has been the biggest lie that everyone tells themselves and/or has been convincing others to buy into to believe. This negative programming of pushing the idea that you’re only here on earth to do what everyone else wants you to do has caused all this suffering and damage to society.  There is beauty in friendships and relationships, but if you can’t get along with yourself and know yourself, know that you’re enough ... then it’s just a life of suffering that you’re choosing. 

Real people, real relationships, and bonding on what is real, respectful, and kind is priceless. The more real you are, the more your value is — do not give yourself away!

Most are not happy, nor do they have any real people or friendships in their lives, because most are lost searching and chasing people and things just to fill up what they feel is missing. Society bases quality and substance on how many likes or friends you have, but not on the substance that is based on what is true character which is values, principles, and morals. 

Many have admitted to feeling shame for hiding their background in order to be included in society.  Some go to extremes to lose their accents and spend their entire childhood running away from their culture just to spend their adulthood now trying to honor it—so know you are worthy! Nothing is easy in this world, but running from yourself and selling yourself short is no good!

You are very powerful! Just think…it takes someone who is angry at you to go get another and an army to get them to hate on you. There is only one of you, but they need all these other people to be against you. That is the power you have over haters.  They focus all their attention on you, so you are that powerful!  Remember, with power comes the responsibility to be the change. Do not sell yourself short by giving your power away, no matter what the naysays say! Go Find your YES anyway by knowing you are enough and worthy of it all!

Marie Pizano
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Marie Pizano is the CEO/Founder of MVP3 Entertainment Group, Author, “From Barefoot To Stilettos” Catch the“Finding My Yes” channel and shows on the MVP3 Network IG: mariemvp