Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Sometimes life feels like you’re being rolled between those old washing machine wringers, and we can get pulled from one end to another on a high twist and turn rollercoaster ride, worn out and beaten.  However, in those times of trials, tribulations, and being “uncomfortable,” is when growth happens.

No one grows, just remaining in comfort. Growth happens when you’re uncomfortable. You find out what you're made of when the uncomfortable happens. You can decide to get uncomfortable by releasing fear—that stuck energy inside that you are comfortable holding onto.

When I was 18 years old, I was in a motorcycle accident that almost cost my life. I was on the back of my then-boyfriend's motor vehicle when a car hit us from the right side and the headlight of the car went into my right leg. It came centimeters away from the main artery. I had 283 stitches that formed a “T” shaped scar on my right leg. For years, I was “uncomfortable” with how it looked. The reason that I’m alive today is because I worked out. I was into bodybuilding then, which made my muscles harder to cut through.

I revealed my scar on my book cover and told my story. That was not easy, especially in a world of haters and naysayers. However, writing my book, “From Barefoot to Stilettos” was that step to letting go and getting uncomfortable by becoming a new version of myself.

I learned that all these “comfortable” feelings I was telling myself held me back in many ways. I really needed to let it go! I decided not to let this define me anymore, nor anyone else tell my story. That was really uncomfortable, but I did it!

I suffered many years of PTSD and DV and overcame those fears and trauma. Now, in my 50s, it’s a new start. It’s never too late to start! I’m no longer looking back, but I’m going back to a place that got me out of my comfort zone. A place that reminded me of my days before that accident. I’m getting uncomfortable again by building up my muscles training with Kendall Nicholson, and getting that fresh start at Gold’s Gym in Memphis to begin the next chapter of the wiser and stronger me! I’m free to be me!

When we release what makes us uncomfortable, we start to move forward and grow, and that is when we all start evolving and creating that shift in our lives.

We must start getting comfortable telling ourselves that we are perfectly fine to be who we are —scars and all! Remember, it’s not what is wrong with you; it's what has happened to you. And YOU are enough!

To get comfortable with being uncomfortable, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable. It's the only way to grow – personally, professionally, and in many ways.

My yes isn’t going to be your yes, but we should all set goals to do something today that makes us uncomfortable to find our own yes! It’s the way to unblock your unlimited potential.

We need to take time-outs—but we can’t get too comfy on the couch! We must remember not to forget about our bodies. We can’t find our Yes without a healthy and strong body!

Finding your yes with mind, body, and soul will get you into a comfortable balance in life!

Giving yourself permission to get uncomfortable is essential to start Finding your Yes!


Marie Pizano
Marie PizanoWebsite:
Marie Pizano is the CEO/Founder of MVP3 Entertainment Group, Author, “From Barefoot To Stilettos” Catch the“Finding My Yes” channel and shows on the MVP3 Network IG: mariemvp