
As an observer of leadership tendencies, I see all kinds of methods or styles being embraced. I believe that leadership styles are not an either-or decision but rather a transitional act

from one form to the next as necessary for those you lead. Let’s examine a few in this article.

Leading From the Front: Leading from the front or by example simply means demonstrating our leadership by going first. In many cases, this is accomplished by the leader doing the tough things first to show that they can be done. It‘s one thing to tell people what to do. It is entirely different when the leader actually shows or demonstrates what needs to be accomplished. Real leaders do not believe in asking their team to do anything they would not do.

Sitting on the Sideline: A serious failing that happens to some leaders is the inability to delegate. I have heard this before and said it myself, “It’s easier for me just to go ahead and do it myself than show them how to do it.” There needs to be a transitional phase where leaders move out of the way and let others move forward. This can be scary since, rise or fall, the leader must remain on the Sideline.

Leading From Behind: Many leaders need to learn how to lead from behind as well as from the front. Leading from behind sounds a bit confusing and seems a little nebulous. When leaders move out of the way and let their team take over, real growth takes place. Great leaders build teams of individuals who can operate independently in almost any environment.

Visionary leadership: The other side of the coin is where the leader is irreplaceable. This leader sees beyond where they are right now and plans to prepare the team for the future while in the present. The leader must build a trustworthy team to confidently share future endeavors and goals.

Fearless leadership: You need to be a fearless leader, whether you lead from the front or lead from behind. In the beginning, you will most likely have to lead from the front, demonstrating commitment and a willingness to do what it takes to successfully accomplish the tasks at hand. You will need to begin to shift to leading from behind for some individuals at some point. There must come a time when a leader can and should step out of the way and let the followers take over. Leaders cannot have such a large ego that they never relinquish control.

Adaptable leadership: Is identified by several methods over a transitory period of time. You may begin with leading from the front and then transition to leading from behind or sitting on the sidelines. You may even become a visionary or fearless leader. Adaptability in leadership produces what I believe to be the greatest leaders.

As a leader, one could find themselves in one stage with one group or individual while simultaneously in another different stage with another group or individual. While one may define leadership accurately on paper, it needs to be much more fluid and adapted to the particular environment in the real world. Find your leader type and work it to the best of your ability. Be Lifted!

Bishop Elbert Jones, III
Bishop Elbert Jones, IIIWebsite: https://www.followhopenation.org/
Bishop Elbert Jones is the Senior Pastor and founder of Hope Nation Memphis, and Hope Covenant Connection. IG: bishopej3