Will Richardson

Candidate for State Representative, District 86: Will Richardson

How long have you been in leadership, and what made you go into politics?

I’ve been in leadership in some shape, form, or fashion since I was a youth. I was my high school class president and top tier in my Marine Battalion.

I’ve started multiple businesses and employed over 5,000 people.

I went into politics to serve the people. I’ve always been a people person. I fight for those who feel they don’t have a voice. I protect those who are vulnerable such as children and the elderly. I got into politics to make a positive change and impact in my community, city, state, and country.

What are the primary duties of a State Representative?

In this capacity, I would be charged with presenting the best interests of my district in terms of introducing or supporting laws and amendments. I would also serve as a political spokesperson for important issues for Tennessee and be accountable to those I represent.

In your opinion, what does it take to be an effective leader?

A person with courage, creativity, knowledge, compassion, integrity, and a problem solver. A visionary with life experiences who understands the challenges we face and the ability to execute.

You recently volunteered to aid the seniors at Serenity Towers. What changes need to be made for better living for seniors?

We need better policies and procedures designed to truly protect our seniors. More funding to make sure they have the proper necessities to live comfortably. We need to strengthen the accountability of those responsible for providing oversight and care to our elderly population.

As a resident of Memphis, what changes would you like to see to help move Memphis into Excellence? How can you help the movement?

Pouring into our youth, studying and researching what works for other cities that are doing amazing things. We can no longer pretend we have it figured out. Memphis has a lot of potential and great citizens with amazing talent, but we need to focus on ways to showcase our abilities and give our citizens a bigger platform to shine!

To have cohesiveness, leaders, and residents must work together. What advice can you give to residents to help our city be better?

Vote! Express your needs and wants. We can no longer solely rely on our elected officials. Instead, we must effectively partner with them to see progress. It takes the community to make a better Memphis!

What infrastructure is needed for Memphis to help with Jobs and Education?

We must bring Vocational Technical skills and certification back to our school system. We need to teach entrepreneurship and financial literacy during high school. Better educational curriculum and more funding per pupil will better equip our future.