Lieutenant Antonio Johnson

Memphis Fire Department, Lieutenant Antonio Johnson and owner of Johnson Mechanical Services.

How long have you been employed with the Memphis Fire Dept? How many of those years have you been a Lieutenant? ** In August, I will celebrate 19 years with the Memphis Fire Department. I graduated in class #84 in 2003. I have been a Lieutenant with Memphis Fire Department for two years: promoted in 2020. **What responsibilities come with being a lieutenant? How does that role shape you into leadership? ** As a Lieutenant, I am responsible for the proper placement of equipment, assignment of personnel, and lead in the performance of physical tasks involved in firefighting and emergencies. I am responsible for directing the effectuation of management policies and practices applicable to the Memphis Fire Department. My duties require a working knowledge of firefighting, rescue, and other emergency response practices and the ability to plan and direct the work of firefighters under hazardous conditions, with the highest degree of responsibility for protecting life and property. I make recommendations to superior officers in such actions as to hire, promote, discharge, and the direction of discipline for my subordinates, which is preparing me for the next steps within the leadership of the Memphis Fire Department. **In your role as a lieutenant, how can you help move Memphis Into Excellence? ** As a Lieutenant, I ensure I am always leading by example on how to respectfully assist the city's residents to my subordinates and other leaders at the station. We are not only there for residents during emergencies; we are also available for youth mentorship, provide a helping hand to the homeless, and are readily available for citizens' inquiries and requests for assistance. With guidance and educational offerings, we can move Memphis Into Excellence. **The Police and Fire Dept are two dangerous primary sectors that provide safety for our city. What resources does the fire dept need to help our city be safer? ** We need more resources (Reading Literature, Community Programs, PSAs, etc.) to provide citizens with additional fire and emergency situation training. Many times, non-medical emergencies can be prevented, but residents are not fully knowledgeable of what actions/issues will cause an emergency. **Along with working for the MFD, you're also a business owner. How do you give back to your community as a business owner? ** I give back by partnering with local news media to provide free weatherization tips to help residents during cold weather months during news broadcasts. I partner with organizations that offer programs to assist citizens with home energy-saving upgrades to reduce their utility costs and provide no-cost labor to needy families and small businesses that cannot afford the total cost of services. I want to ensure my community is safe and comfortable whenever I can be of assistance. As a small minority business owner of Johnson Mechanical services, LLC and ADJ Contractors, LLC, I provide opportunities to shadow my work and show young men/women a valuable and profitable trade. I also have a passion for mentoring other growing HVAC/Construction owners; there is plenty of work for us all. **You are a member of many organizations on a local and regional level. How does that impact you as a leader?** These memberships allow me exposure and personal growth that I utilize professionally and personally. I am constantly learning how to network, inspire, and narrow the gap between small businesses and the community. I want to be a leader that hears the community and acts in the best way to serve them, not only through the Memphis Fire Department but as a caring citizen giving back. **As a resident, born and raised, what are some things needed to help our city rise above struggles?** Education and Finances will always be key resources needed to help the city rise and stay afloat. Educational programs highlighting trade learning may be more attractive to today's youth since they allow small business ownership, flexibility, and financial growth resources. Encourage large companies that serve our residents to continue and increase their financial support and workforce mentoring programs to provide safe and productive activities/options for the youth of Memphis. We must start with our youth to build a better Memphis. **What advice can you give to the residents to be better citizens and live productively?** Start with respect!! Respect the space and opinions of each other. Care!! Look out for your fellow neighbor. I believe if we show just a little more respect and care for the well-being of each other, we could build from there to have productive and happy lives. Happy people are usually successful people. **What's next for you as a resident of this city?** As a resident and employee of this great city, I will continue to serve the citizens as a member of the Memphis Fire Department, maybe moving to the next level in leadership, ensuring their safety, and assisting in emergencies. As a small business owner, I will continue to offer my services and expertise within the residential and commercial community. Lastly and most importantly, I will increase my availability to mentor and assist others who want to rise to greatness.